BEFORE & AFTER brow care


  • Please avoid blood thinners, such as Aspirin and pain killers, 48 hrs prior to your appointment.

  • Do not consume alcohol 24 hours prior to your procedure.

  • No caffeine on the day of the procedure

  • Avoid exercise right before the procedure.

  • No waxing or plucking 48 hours prior to the procedure

  • No retinol or retinoids around brows 7 days prior to the procedure

  • Wash hair and shower on the day of or day before the procedure. You won’t be able to get brows wet for some time.


  • Days 1-3

    • DON’T touch your brows. Your skin is open at this stage and prone to infection.

    • DON’T get your brows wet for 10 days. When you wash your face, only wet the areas around your brows.

    • DON’T stay too long in a hot shower. Moisture from the steam can collect on your brows.

    • Prevent anything moist or wet from getting on your brows: shampoo, face wash, makeup, water, etc. Moisture is NOT your friend for the first few days.

    • Your brows may feel tender and appear a little red. However, no ointment is necessary - ointment blocks pores and can cause intense itching or delay healing.

    • Avoid activities where your brows can get wet, such as exercises where you’ll sweat bullets, swimming, using saunas or jacuzzis.

  • Days 4-10

    • DON’T touch or pick at your brows. Your brows will start developing a thin layer of scabbing that looks like flakes (dead skin); continue to keep your brows dry and clean.

    • DON’T get your brows wet for the first 10 days. When you wash your face, only wet the areas around your brows.

    • DON’T stay too long in a hot shower. Moisture from the steam can collect on your brows, which can cause premature peeling.

    • DO light intensity workouts only, such as walking, yoga, or light weight-lifting.

  • Days 11-14

    • The thin layer of dead skin/scabbing will begin to come off in patches. Your brows will appear very light in certain areas, and this is very normal. Every week up to 6 weeks, some color will continue to surface and your brows will get darker again.

    • DO medium intensity workouts only.

    • DO wash face as you normally would, but air dry your brows.

    • DON’T rub your brows when you dry your face.

  • Days 14+

    • Everyone’s healing timeline varies due to different skin types. Usually, around the 2-week mark, your healing is complete.

    • DO normal workouts.

    • If you still see scabs hanging on the hairs of your brows, you can remove them with a q-tip or wet paper towel.

    • DO come back on your scheduled touch-up date to see your artist. Semi-permanent make-up is a process. Two to three sessions are typically required to achieve the desired results. It is not uncommon to lose up to 70% of the applied color after the first session.

For questions, please email