
  • Wash hair and shower/bathe on the day of or day before procedure. You won’t be able to wash your hair for a couple days after the procedure.


  • Days 1-5

    • DON’T sweat heavily. Do not engage in any intense exercise for 5 days following treatment. Excessive sweating could interrupt the healing process.

    • DON’T scrub or shampoo for 2 days following the procedure. Scrubbing the scalp can break the skin and open wounds, and shampooing can introduce harsh chemicals.

    • DON’T shave. Avoid shaving or irritating the area while it’s healing.

    • DON’T expose your scalp to sunlight or UV devices.

    • DON’T touch your scalp with uncleaned hands. You can introduce unwanted bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

    • DON’T exfoliate until after your touch-up.

    • DO dab the treated area with a wet cloth to clean starting the 3rd day. DON’T scrub or exfoliate.

  • Days 5-10

    • DON’T scratch your scalp. The skin on your scalp may begin to peel during these next few days. It’s important that you avoid scratching or picking any scabs that my form to avoid premature peeling.

    • DON’T use hair and/or scalp treatments until after you have healed from the touch-up appointment.

    • DON’T use hair products on your scalp.

    • DO light intensity workouts.

    • What you can do is carefully shave or cut your hair if needed. You should also continue rinsing lightly with water to clean the area. Applying a moisture will also help the healing stage during this time. Just make sure it’s fragrance free. You can also resume working out with light exercise.

  • Days 10+

    • After 10 days, your scalp should be healed enough to return to your normal routine.

    • Shampooing or Exfoliating - Shampoos and exfoliants can disrupt the formation of new skin layers during healing. Use baby shampoo.

    • Use self tanners or skin irritants - While your scalp is healing, avoid irritants that could cause inflammation and disturb the healing process.

    • DO come back for your scheduled touch-up appointment with your artist. Semi-permanent makeup is a process. Two to three sessions are typically required to achieve the desired results. It is not uncommon to lose up to 70% of the applied color after the first session.

For questions, please email